Yes, the merejet website has a Tumblr blog now! If you're a Tumblr user, follow us on merej-et.tumblr.com to be informed on website updates.

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Merej Et

Welcome to the Tumblr blog of Merej Et, the fan site for nearly all things vaseshipping (Atem x Mana) and servantshipping (Yami Yugi x Dark Magician Girl). Visit the main Merej Et website at merejet.yolasite.com for more vaseshipping and servantshipping goodies.

Hi Vaseshippers, I have some bad news


I noticed my blog doesn’t show up when I search my name on Tumblr. That is a very bad sign, and given the current state of Tumblr, there is a high possibility that this blog could be on the chopping block come December 17, 2018. 

I was able to get the main website back up and running. 

  • merejet.yolasite.com

If you are a deviantART user, you can also keep tabs on vaseshipping fanart at 

  • deviantart.com/finalvirucide/favourites/38589215/merej-et

Please note: I will continue to reblog vaseshipping fanart on Tumblr of the blog survives, but if Tumblr decides to get rid of my blog, I’ve made the decision to not appeal for it

The Yola version of merej-et was the very first and most comprehensive vaseshipping hub center, and it will always continue to be regardless of what happens (unless Yola tanks, Ra forbid!). So please keep the Yola version tabbed, or bookmarked, or RSS-feed-ed (is that even a word?) to ensure that you will always have a way to access to vaseshipping content collected from all corners of the internet. 

Aaaannnnd… I’m alive. That’s good. Still feeling pretty uneasy, so just make sure that merejet.yolasite.com is still on your bookmark list. 

Posted 282 weeks ago

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